

There are many quick and easy solutions to eye problems that can be accomplished by college students to relieve many of the conditions. Please follow the links to the different solutions available.

It is important to realize how important our eyes are to us. A study found that even with a small problem such as dry eye, many of the things that we do in our daily lives are hindered including driving, reading, working and using the computer (Miljanovic). With this, it is critical that college students follow the advice here, to increase not only their eye care, but also their overall quality of life. With just a few small changes to routines and habits your eyes will thank you now, and even more later!

20-20-20 Rule– to help to reduce eyestrain associated with over- working and studying.

Computer Vision Syndrome Solutions– common problems when using the computer for an extended period of time.

Give up on smoking- it can lead to cataracts!

Sunglasses even when we may not even know it, when we are outside our eyes are squinting and becoming strained. In addition to this, the bright sun has been linked to the formation of cataracts and other problems. In general- if it is bright out, and you are going outside or driving- wear sunglasses to help you eyes stay healthy. On that note, DO get outside more! Take a break from studying and let your eyes focus on something farther away- it will help prevent myopia!

Finally, one of the most important and beneficial things you can do to help your eyes is to maintain a standard schedule of check-ups. Not only will they help to identify any problems you may be having, but they will also let you know of your options to correct the problem, as well as any risk factors that are relevant to you personally. To find a healthcare professional near you please use the link provided: Find a Vision Care Professional